Blondes, Redheads or Brunettes?

Blondes, Redheads or Brunettes?

It's an age old question, but one we can never seem to find an answer for. We recently did a poll on our public Facebook page, Blokes Advice, to try and figure out that very question. Blonde, brunette, or redhead... what makes the ultimate women?

As it turns out, the answer is still unclear. That's probably because women are more than the colour of their hair and the good blokes of BA know it. That said, we've put together some of the best examples of each for continued research...

The Redheads

Angelina Michelle
Danielle Boker
Irina Meier

The Brunettes

Bailey Scarlett
Cristy Ren
Elisa Snippop

The Blondes

Evi Diona & Eva Lightstone
Tahlia Hall
Veronika Rajek
Rachel Whitlatch
& of course we couldn't leave out one of our favourite black haired ladies just to keep the balance...
Anita Brzakala

Got a super important question like this one? Head over to the Blokes Advice Facebook Group and share it with 1/4 million Aussie guys who share your humour.

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