The Queens of Australian TV

The Queens of Australian TV

Australian television has some absolute garbage on it (we're looking at you Waleed). Thankfully we get a breath of fresh air with some absolute queens blessing our small screen. We're not talking the insta thots of Love Island... we're talking about the hosts, commentators & reporters who know their stuff back to front & look bloody fantastic speaking it. 

Here's some of our personal favourites. Let us know who we missed over on the Blokes Advice Instagram & we'll get it up to date!

Kath Loughnan

Charli Robinson

Abbey Gelmi

Sophie Monk

Georgie Parker

Abbey Holmes

Allana Ferguson

Riana Crehan

Taylor Haynes

Katie Brown

Yvonne O'Keefe

Tara Rushton

Natalie Pinkham

Danika Mason

Emma Freedman


Head over to the Blokes Advice Facebook Group  - it's 100% male, and a private group so brace yourself for some old fashion banter, laughs, and the help a fellow bloke out from time to time.


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